
Working With Clients

This week, and really all semester, we had some great clients come in to the warehouse. It is so fun to be able to serve these men and women - I get to talk with them and find out more about their lives, and help them pick out the furniture that they will take home. It's awesome to work directly with our clients because I get to see first-hand how excited and grateful they are, and what a difference our organization makes in their lives.

One exciting thing this week is that we actually have too much furniture! Well, we can never have too much to serve our clients, but our warehouse (and our storage warehouse) were about at capacity on Thursday when I got to work. Mind you, both were nearing empty when I left the Friday before. We had some fantastic donors this past week! We've been able to get a lot of clients scheduled, and even have people coming in this Sunday to get their items (which we don't normally do).

It seems like word about A Wider Circle is really spreading, and the results are magnificent.

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