
A Wider Circle

I found out about A Wider Circle last semester, when Mark Bergel (founder), was my professor for Health, Education, and Poverty. From the first day he was teaching our class, his passion and enthusiasm were immediately evident, which got me really interested in his organization. I had witnessed a lot of the poverty that we talked about in our class through my job at the Public Defender Service, and saw his organization as a chance to make a difference in a new way with much of the same population. When it came time for me to find an internship for the spring semester, I immediately thought of Mark, and emailed him to find out what sort of internship opportunities they might have. And, long story short, here I am. I'm interning Thursdays and Fridays, and I look forward to these days all week.

(Josh, another senior at AU, also interns here and writes a blog)

I am working, loosely, as an assistant to the Client Coordinator, Alicia. So, mostly, my time is spent out in the warehouse helping clients do their intake paperwork, choose their items, and load their vehicles. I really enjoy working directly with our clients, it is a great experience to meet these people and see who we are helping first-hand. I also spend a large portion of my time doing more administrative tasks: preparing paperwork for the next day, sending out confirmation/dirctions letters to upcoming clients, etc... I'm also responsible for checking all the car seats and printing out their manuals, so that we're not sending out any seats that are too old/not safe. I do lots of other stuff, too, but those are the things I do every day.

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